This study focuses on two collections of poems by the ecuadorian Ernesto Carrión: Demonia factory (2007) and Monsieur Monstruo (2009). The purpose is to achieve a punctual analysis of the lyrical voice that guides both works, since it captures delirium, the desire for destruction, the writing as a rhizomatic form and the proliferation of subjectivities. All these concepts, certainly, are part of the schizoanalytic system. We will see, then, the journey of this lyrical voice that goes from renegation to destruction and also its way of detaching herself from the significancy in the search to find his own code and complete his descent into destruction. The disdain for ordering and systematicity is also considered as one of the aesthetic proposals of the ecuadorian poet and this offers reading guidelines that allow us to approach the complex nature of this lyrical voice and how it deploys in the poem.
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