The Magazine Man: A Talk with Adolfo Castañón
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mexican literary magazines
literary migrations
intellectual migrations
mexican periodical publications
Octavio Paz


This article is an interview with writer Adolfo Castañón, one of the most important contributors and promoters of Mexican literary magazines during the past century and the current one. The interview is structured as an itinerary whose stops are the magazines that Castañón founded or contributed to. Among them, Plural, Nexos, Vuelta, and Letras Libres stand out, but also little magazines like Cave Canem, El Machete, and Palos de la Crítica. This long journey allows us to imagine the history of publications as houses that hold various forms of intellectual migration.
PDF (Español (España))


Castañón, A. (2001). Plural era una fiesta (pp. 63-66). A treinta años de Plural (1971-1976). M.-J. Paz, A. Castañón & D. Torres Fierro (Eds.). México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.

Flores, M. (2020) Estrella de dos puntas. Octavio Paz y Carlos Fuentes. Crónica de una amistad. México: Ariel.

Krauze, E. (1979, noviembre). Tránsito por Sudamérica. Vuelta, 36, 33-39. Ciudad de México, Vuelta.

Noria, D. (2018, 30 de diciembre). Adolfo Castañón por sí mismo. La Jornada Semanal, 1243, 16-17. Ciudad de México, La Jornada.

Paz, O. (1979, mayo). Victoria Ocampo. Vuelta, 30, 40. Ciudad de México, Vuelta.



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