In this 21st century, migration still impacts various fields, including literature. Although Antonio Cornejo Polar focused his proposal on displacements from the countryside to the city, I consider that his notion of the migrant subject still allows us to read the contemporary literature marked by this phenomenon, especially the one that has been written by and from emigration between countries of the so-called “Third World” to the “First World”. Therefore, I use Cornejo Polar’s concept of migration to approach some poems of Trains, by the Peruvian poet Roxana Crisólogo. My interest is to reflect on how the migrant situation impacts the poetic self and how it is presented, as well as the consequent heterogeneity –which somehow implies taking a position regarding identity– not only in the poetic discourse itself but also in what is represented throughout the stays and experiences that build her conflictive itinerary through different spaces and times.
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