Passion and Death in Figura de paja and El diario de José Toledo


During the first half of the 1960s, several novels that treated conflicts of gender identities were published. These identities had been silenced and stigmatized by a system that did not allow for the possibilities of self-realization beyond heterosexual dogma. The objective of this article is to determine through analysis how the literary characters that presented a gender identity and sexual practices understood as negative and pathological by the dominant discourses of the time were constituted. To achieve the above, two representative novels published in 1964, were selected. Analyzing each of them separately, it has been found that the similarities in the configuration of the main characters and the representation of their consciousnesses, related to their tragic destinies, are surprising. Mainly due to the impossibility of existence beyond the spheres of repression exerted with all its force and power by the heteronorm and its hegemonies.
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